All posts filed under: bookshelves

Bookshelf Tag

So I was tagged A. LONG. LONG. TIME. AGO. to do this tag by the wonderful Cait @PaperFury. I was intending to wait until my bookshelves were tidy and in less of a state than they are now, but I don’t think that’s going to be happening anytime soon… So let’s just get on with it, shall we? Describe your bookshelf It’s a mess. I don’t have anywhere near enough shelf space. I have between 10 and 15 metres of shelf space now, but it’s nowhere near enough. We will be expanding the wall by about a metre and then putting in floor to ceiling bookshelves (and my ceiling is 4.4 metres high!) to make a proper library. We will also be painting that awful mustard yellow/brown wall. It was that colour when we got the house and we will paint it after we extend the wall. I don’t have any photos of my bookshelf in it’s current state, but here is its evolution from when I first started bookblogging to it’s most recent presentable …