All posts tagged: the hobbit

12 Days of Bookmas – What to buy – The Witch/Wizard

Hello, and welcome to my second day of the 12 Days of Bookmas where I will be recommending books to buy for yourself, or for others whom you deem worthy of presents. Today I will be giving you ideas of amazing presents for the Witch of Wizard in your life. 1 – The Illustrated Harry Potter This edition of Harry Potter is an absolute must have for anyone who enjoys Harry Potter. It is one of the most gorgeous books I own. I was expecting it to be beautiful when I bought it, but I wasn’t expecting it to be as beautiful as it is. I don’t think anyone could be disappointed to find this in their stocking. You can get it here: The Book Depository, Amazon. 2 – Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass This series is one that’s been around for years, and I only got into it this year. This book would be a fantastic buy for someone who you want to (subtly) turn into a complete bookworm. I’ve already forced this upon …

Photoset: Lord of the Rings in Winter

It’s been really cold lately (as one might expect in the middle of winter), but it’s so cold that they have predicted snow for tomorrow! Snow! It snows very rarely here as we’re usually to close to sea level to get snow. So, I was feeling pretty wintery, and camera and mug of tea in hand, I set off into the frigid backyard to take some winter-inspired photos. So, enjoy. You can get this cute little boxset at The Book Depository or Amazon.

The series taking over my life

So I am only just reading The Lord of the Rings for the first time. I have always loved the movies but I had avoided the books for so long because I was told that they are really hard to read. I am a fool of a took! I’m about halfway through The Two Towers now and they really aren’t difficult at all. Okay, so the prologue to The Fellowship is difficult to read, but once you get through the billion or so pages of history of the hobbits, they are really fun. And now they are talking over my life. All I want to do is read them.