All posts tagged: the ocean at the end of the lane

Fiction for the Fictional – Alice (in which I make a list of book recs for Alice from Alice in Wonderland)

I’ve decided to do this new thing where I list (everyone loves lists!) what books I would recommend a particular fictional character. This first list will feature the protagonist from my favourite classic, Alice, from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. I hope you enjoy this new little feature of mine (and maybe join in? Yes?). MY BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ALICE: The Wizard of Oz by Frank L. Baum I don’t think it’s particularly had to see why I would recommend this book to Alice, I think she would quite thoroughly relate to Dorothy and enjoy her adventures. The Never Ending Story by Michael Ende Another story of a child being swept away to a magical land. I think Alice would particularly fall in love with Falcor, and probably wish she had his company rather than her rather unhelpful Cheshire Cat. Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie This is another obvious one, I think. Both Peter and Alice’s adventures begin as almost a way to avoid everything adultish (perfectly understandable).  I can …

Recom-Monday-tions – The Ocean at the End of the Lane

This is one of the only books that when I finished it, I immediately turned back to the beginning to read it again. It’s a rather strange book as it is actually adult fiction (despite what my university’s bookstore shelves it as) but it’s written like a children’s book. I’ve really never read anything like it. This is the story of a man travelling back to his childhood home and rediscovering memories he thought he had lost. Memories of a strange girl and her duck pond that was actually an ocean. Memories of finding a friend when he thought he was helpless and alone. This book is so beautiful. It is one of those books I talk about frequently as often being my favorites, those quietly beautiful books. This book was probably in my top three favourite books I read last year. It is just so unique and wonderful. Everyone Should really give this book a go. It’s also quite short so it will only take you a few hours and it will be a …

Find Me Book Tag!

I was tagged by the really, really ridiculously awesome Cait from PaperFury The aim of the game here, dumplings, is to find a book for each of the thingies and take a photo of it. I think I did pretty damn well finding all of these. Well one of them is pretty much there and well that’s good enough for me. The Rules: 1) Find a book in each of the 10 categories below and photograph them 2) Tag the next victims 3) Link back to Christy at Novel Ink On to the tag, I say!  1. A book with a sunset. 2. A book with water 3. A book with a flower 4. A book with a heart  5. A book with Gone in the title 6. A girl in a white dress 7. A couple kissing (well, almost) 8. A book with headphones 9. A book with a moon 10. A book with a weapon I tag: TheWritingHufflepuff, DarcysBookBlog, PrettyPagesBlog, and BookishSmaug

Coffee Book Tag!

This is actually my first tag on this blog. I frequently get them on instagram and tumblr (which I am absolutely terrible at doing), but this is my first one here, so thank you, Marianna from Impressionblend for tagging me. This tag is called the Coffee book tag (obviously), and although I am not really a coffee drinker at all (but completely obsessed with tea) I think I can manage. I also might add my own tea related ones to the end.  I will tag Cait at PaperFury and Sarah at Commas and Ampersands. 1. BLACK: NAME A SERIES THAT’S TOUGH TO GET INTO BUT HAS HARDCORE FANS. The Magicians by Lev Grossman. Personally, I love this book, but I know a lot of people hate it. It might have something to do with all the characters kinda being awful people, but I don’t think this series would have worked if they weren’t. Although, I’ve only read the first book… 2. PEPPERMINT MOCHA: NAME A BOOK THAT GETS MORE POPULAR DURING THE WINTER OR A FESTIVE …