All posts filed under: fiction for the fictional

Fiction for the Fictional – Alice (in which I make a list of book recs for Alice from Alice in Wonderland)

I’ve decided to do this new thing where I list (everyone loves lists!) what books I would recommend a particular fictional character. This first list will feature the protagonist from my favourite classic, Alice, from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. I hope you enjoy this new little feature of mine (and maybe join in? Yes?). MY BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ALICE: The Wizard of Oz by Frank L. Baum I don’t think it’s particularly had to see why I would recommend this book to Alice, I think she would quite thoroughly relate to Dorothy and enjoy her adventures. The Never Ending Story by Michael Ende Another story of a child being swept away to a magical land. I think Alice would particularly fall in love with Falcor, and probably wish she had his company rather than her rather unhelpful Cheshire Cat. Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie This is another obvious one, I think. Both Peter and Alice’s adventures begin as almost a way to avoid everything adultish (perfectly understandable).  I can …