All posts tagged: throne of glass

Books they need to make colouring books for.

Yeah. I love colouring books. I am not someone who can just sit an watch TV, I need to be doing something at the same time, and colouring books are the perfect amount of doing something without being so distracting that your not paying attention to the show you’re watching. They are also great for when you’re listening to audiobooks. At the moment, I’m loving the ACOTAR colouring book (although HOW DARE IT not include a picture of the foxes from winter that wear vests! Rude!), I also love the Throne of Glass books, and I’ve recently ordered the lunar chronicles one. And all that got me thinking about books that I just need colouring books for. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern This book is like reading a dream. There is very little plot at all, because it’s just not needed. The visuals of this book are what it is all about, and while I love the images of this in my head from reading it, I would really, really love to see their …

My favourite books of 2016!

Well, 2016 is finally gone. Thank goodness! What a terrible, terrible year. 2016 was probably the worst reading year I have ever had (and the worst year in general?), I had a pretty terrible time last year, and I just couldn’t focus on reading because too much other crap was going on and distracting me with it’s awfulness. But I’ve decided that 2017 will be better (it better be or I WILL become an evil supervillain scientist and destroy the world with a super-mega death ray or something). Anyway… I decided to just do five of my favourite books of the year, and I doubt any of them will be a surprise…. but they are all books released in 2016. Yay. These are in no particular order, except for number 1 which was my favourite, because these books were all phenomenal. 1 – Morning Star by Pierce Brown (review) 2 – Nevernight by Jay Kristoff (review) 3 – A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas (review) 4 – Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas …

Throne of Glass Colouring Book

Thank you to Bloomsbury Australia for sending me this awesome colouring book! So, I’m definitely late to the adult colouring book thing, but when this arrived in the mail, I literally sat there for hours colouring in while watching stuff on Youtube. I’m one of those people who can’t just sit and watch something, I always need to be doing something at the same time (but it usually means I get distracted from what I’m watching), so this was perfect. Although, it turns out I’m pretty terrible at colouring (staying inside the lines is HARD!). I really think more book series need colouring books, because I love being able to see other people’s interpretations of what characters and settings look like. There are pictures of lots of different characters in the book, and I was obviously super excited to see some of Manon and Abraxos in there. So, do you guys like colouring books? What other books would you love to see colouring books of? Find it at Amazon or The Book Depository Publisher: Bloomsbury Australia …

Book Review – Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas

First off, a big congratulations to ME because I submitted my PhD thesis this week! After four-years slaving away over a hot monkey brain (not really!) it’s finally done! YAY FOR ME!!! Anyway… Empire of Storms…(Come for the review, stay for my self-congratulations!) So as with most sequels, I won’t be giving out any spoilers for any of the other books in this series in this review, but I will STRONGLY encourage you to go read the first book, because this series is still A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-! This is now the fifth book in this series (if you don’t count the book of prequel short stories) and this series is still awesome. Firstly, we are introduced to lots of new exciting places in this instalment of the series, which was pretty cool. Like always there is plenty of our plucky young protagonist setting everything on fire (both figuratively and literally), and there are LOTS of ships in this book (both figuratively and literally – lots of fun, romantic times on the high seas to be had by …

Books and Tea (where I match Throne of Glass ladies to types of tea!)

I am an obsessive tea drinker, with a tea obsession that has on more than one occasion been described as a little bit excessive. And because tea goes so well with reading, I decided to match up the ladies from the Throne of Glass series with some teas that I think are perfect for them. Throne of Glass Tea pairings Caelena Sardothien from The Throne of Glass – Marron Chocolat Marron Chocolat is, to me, the perfect tea for Caelena. The strong full-bodied black base flavoured with bittersweet chocolate and sweetened with candied chestnuts suits both her strength and insatiable sweet tooth. Caelena would sip this while curled up by the fire with a piece of chocolate cake. Flavour profile: sweet, creamy, nutty   Manon Blackbeak – Snow Dragon Jasmine Probably my favourite green tea, this jasmine tea is incredibly fragrant and has an otherworldly depth and a sense of mystery. It conjures up feelings of solitude and jasmine flowers in winter. And also dragons. Flavour profile: Floral, fresh, vegetal   Nehemia Ytger – Tie Guan Yin (Iron Goddess) Earthy …

12 Days of Bookmas – What to buy – The Witch/Wizard

Hello, and welcome to my second day of the 12 Days of Bookmas where I will be recommending books to buy for yourself, or for others whom you deem worthy of presents. Today I will be giving you ideas of amazing presents for the Witch of Wizard in your life. 1 – The Illustrated Harry Potter This edition of Harry Potter is an absolute must have for anyone who enjoys Harry Potter. It is one of the most gorgeous books I own. I was expecting it to be beautiful when I bought it, but I wasn’t expecting it to be as beautiful as it is. I don’t think anyone could be disappointed to find this in their stocking. You can get it here: The Book Depository, Amazon. 2 – Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass This series is one that’s been around for years, and I only got into it this year. This book would be a fantastic buy for someone who you want to (subtly) turn into a complete bookworm. I’ve already forced this upon …

Lit Lists – My Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team

Hello! It’s time for another Lit Lists I think, and for today I decided to list my ultimate Book Character Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team. And then I think I’m going to tag some other victims to do this list with me. As a scientist, precisely an immunologist, I think I could be pretty handy in any zombie apocalypse, what with my experience in developing vaccines and stuff. I would be pretty valuable in a post-apocalyptic world. So who would I want around me to protect me and ensure I survive long enough to develop a human-race-saving vaccine against the undead? 1. Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. Not only is she one of the most bad ass fighters that exists, I’m pretty sure she can also scent out food (particularly the sweet kind) like a bloodhound. I would feel pretty safe knowing Celaena had my back. 2. Katsa from Graceling by Kristin Cashore. With an unnatural ability for fighting, Katsa would be absolutely indespensible in a zombie apocalypse. This girl is the one …

Book Review: Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

I was sent this book by Bloombury Australia for review… but at the time I hadn’t actually read books two or three in the series. So I have been marathoning this series over the past couple of weeks and I have enjoyed it so so so much! You can see my reviews for Crown of Midnight here, and Heir of Fire here, and my Recom-Monday-Tions post about Throne of Glass here. This is now one of my absolute favourite series! It will be difficult to review this without spoiling anything in the series, but I will try. This series gets better with each consecutive book you read, and Queen of Shadows is by far my favourite. I absolutely couldn’t put it down. There was not a single moment where I felt bored or where my mind wandered to other things. It is just completely all-consuming. There are some new characters in this book who are absolutely delightful, and we finally meet Arrobyn, the King of Assassins that Celaena used to work for, for the first …

Book Review: Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

Well, well, well. Sarah J. Maas is quickly making it onto my list of favourite authors, because Heir of Fire was absolutely awesome. “And then I am going to rattle the stars.” As always, as this is a sequel this review will be quite short, and wont contain any spoilers of the series. So it will basically be me ranting about how amazing it was for a while. This is the third book in the Throne of Glass series, which is about the assassin, Celaena Sardothian and her wild exploits. These books really do keep getting more and more amazing as they go along so I am eagerly anticipating Queen of Shadows (which is sitting right next to me just begging to be opened. *purrs* Soon, my pet. Soon). In this installment of the series, we delve farther into Celaena’s past, and learn just how much she had endured during her rather short life, and grows hugely as a character. If you loved Celaena before, you will love her even more now. I promise. For …

Book Review: Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas

So, I received an  ARC of Queen of Shadows, the fourth book of the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. The only problem, I hadn’t read the previous two books in the series. Well now I get to marathon them, and that’s pretty awesome. As with most of my reviews of sequels this will be fairly short as I don’t like to give spoilers of any books in the series. Crown of Midnight is the second book in the Throne of Glass series, a series about Celaena, a bad ass assassin who works for the evil king who rules over a fantasy kingdom caled Adarlan. Sarah J. Maas is quickly becoming one of my favourite authors. I did enjoy Throne of Glass, the first book in the series, but I thought Crown of Midnight was even better. This series is the perfect blend of plot- and character-driven story. Face-paced action mixed with perfectly constructed characters? Yes please! Celaena is just so likeable. She’s a ferociously deadly assassin who loves swords and daggers, as …