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Books they need to make colouring books for.

Yeah. I love colouring books. I am not someone who can just sit an watch TV, I need to be doing something at the same time, and colouring books are the perfect amount of doing something without being so distracting that your not paying attention to the show you’re watching. They are also great for when you’re listening to audiobooks.

At the moment, I’m loving the ACOTAR colouring book (although HOW DARE IT not include a picture of the foxes from winter that wear vests! Rude!), I also love the Throne of Glass books, and I’ve recently ordered the lunar chronicles one. And all that got me thinking about books that I just need colouring books for.

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The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

This book is like reading a dream. There is very little plot at all, because it’s just not needed. The visuals of this book are what it is all about, and while I love the images of this in my head from reading it, I would really, really love to see their interpretation by a talented artist.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Anyone who has read this book just went “OMG YES I NEED IT NOW!” Because this book would make the best colouring book. There is just so much in this book that would make it awesome. There’s Prague and Morocco, and various types of chimaera.

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

The imagery that this book conjures and the aesthetic of the cover art (the original ones, not the abominations that are the re-designed ones) would just make this the most gorgeous colouring book about magical clairvoyants in an old-timey future London.

Red Rising

A science fiction about a society based on colours. This one is a no-brainer. Someone just make it.

The Magicians

A dark version of a magic university and what is basically Narnia for adults? Yeah that sounds awesome. I’ll take three!

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Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

This book would have a completely different feel than any other book suggested on this list. It would be kinda Tron-like and the perfect opportunity to use my neon pencils.

The Diviners by Libba Bray

I can’t be the only person who would love this magic people in 1920’s New York as a colouring book. Flappers, creepy occult paraphernalia, and a particularly creepy villain would make this so much fun to colour.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Magic + Russian-inspired imagery would make this a pretty awesome book. And for those of you who are asking, why six of crows, why not Shadow and Bone? Because Shadow and Bone just sucked okay.

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

Not only should Nevernight be made into a colouring book, it should be done by Kerby Rosanes, the amazing colouring book artist (he illustrated Imagimorphia, Animorphia, and Mythomorphia) who designed the covers for the Aus/UK versions of Nevernight. Ā It’s like it was meant to be.

Drown by Ester Dalseno

This is a kinda creepy re-telling of the original The Little Mermaid by Hans Christen Andersen. I don’t know about you, but I would absolutely love an under the sea colouring book that has a really dark twistiness to it. You know you would too.



So were all in agreement right? More book-based colouring books? I mean there are like a thousand artists on Tumblr who would be happy to do them and could do a better job than like 90% of the colouring book artists out there. I can’t see a reason why any of these shouldn’t be made. So if publishers could politely get on that, that’d be great.

So do you guys enjoy colouring books? What books would you like to see made into colouring books?

And if anyone knows of any of my suggestions that are actually being made into colouring books, please do let me know.

Some book-inspired colouring books that do exist, and prove that more of them should:

Throne of Glass

A Court of Thorns and Roses

The Lunar Chronicles

The Mortal Instruments

Game of Thrones

Red Queen



  1. I would LOVE a Six of Crows one. I have the one for The Selction. But I havenā€™t colored in it yet. I would also love one for The Grisha Trilogy, and Snow Like Ashes trilogy.


  2. Love the idea behind this post! And YESS, THE NIGHT CIRCUS! That would be so magical. Also a Six of Crows one would be really interesting. I think Anna and the French Kiss series would be cute, especially the Paris scenes.


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