All posts tagged: tags

Pastry Book Tag!

Bookwormaniac created (I think) this tag, and I saw it on Readwatchreviewblog and decided to tag myself because I thought it looks fun, even though my coeliac’s disease means that I have absolutely no idea what most of these taste like (except macarons which are usually gluten free! Whoo!). And I haven’t done a tag in forever. So, let’s start shall we? Croissant: Name a popular book or series that everyone (including you) loves.   A Court of Thorns and Roses. Tumblr is all about this series right now, and with good reason. It’s just so awesome. All of tumblr can’t be wrong. Easy. Next!   Macaron: Name a book that was hard to get through but worth it at the end. How are macarons easy to get through? they are so tiny and delicate. Anyway, although gone girl was incredibly addictive and I read it in no time, it was difficult for me as I actually know an Amy Dunn, and I’m still traumatised from my encounter with her. So terrifying. If you think Amy …

Lit Lists – My Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team

Hello! It’s time for another Lit Lists I think, and for today I decided to list my ultimate Book Character Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team. And then I think I’m going to tag some other victims to do this list with me. As a scientist, precisely an immunologist, I think I could be pretty handy in any zombie apocalypse, what with my experience in developing vaccines and stuff. I would be pretty valuable in a post-apocalyptic world. So who would I want around me to protect me and ensure I survive long enough to develop a human-race-saving vaccine against the undead? 1. Celaena Sardothien from Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. Not only is she one of the most bad ass fighters that exists, I’m pretty sure she can also scent out food (particularly the sweet kind) like a bloodhound. I would feel pretty safe knowing Celaena had my back. 2. Katsa from Graceling by Kristin Cashore. With an unnatural ability for fighting, Katsa would be absolutely indespensible in a zombie apocalypse. This girl is the one …

Bookshelf Tag

So I was tagged A. LONG. LONG. TIME. AGO. to do this tag by the wonderful Cait @PaperFury. I was intending to wait until my bookshelves were tidy and in less of a state than they are now, but I don’t think that’s going to be happening anytime soon… So let’s just get on with it, shall we? Describe your bookshelf It’s a mess. I don’t have anywhere near enough shelf space. I have between 10 and 15 metres of shelf space now, but it’s nowhere near enough. We will be expanding the wall by about a metre and then putting in floor to ceiling bookshelves (and my ceiling is 4.4 metres high!) to make a proper library. We will also be painting that awful mustard yellow/brown wall. It was that colour when we got the house and we will paint it after we extend the wall. I don’t have any photos of my bookshelf in it’s current state, but here is its evolution from when I first started bookblogging to it’s most recent presentable …

Disney Princess Book Tag!

Firstly, no one tagged me, so I just tagged myself. This awesome tag was originally created by Of Stacks and Cups. Once again, not originally a photo tag, but you can just try to stop me! One.Snow White-Name your favourite classic. Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll Two. Cinderella- Name a book that kept you reading well past your bedtime. The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon Three. Aurora- Name your favourite classic romance. Even though I now realise that this story isn’t really romantic at all and is actually pretty horrific, I loved The Little Mermaid by Hans Christen Andersen when I was younger. Four. Ariel- Name a book that’s about making sacrifices and fighting for your dreams. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas Five. Belle- Name a book with a smart and independent female character. Sabriel by Garth Nix Six. Jasmine- Name a book with a character who challenged the social conventions of their world. Red Rising by Pierce Brown Seven. Pocahontas- Name a book whose ending was a roller-coaster of emotions. The …

Unpopular Opinions Tag

I was tagged by Typewriterink 1. A POPULAR BOOK OR SERIES THAT YOU DON’T LIKE Divergent. I hate it. I seriously hate it. 2. A POPULAR BOOK/SERIES EVERYONE HATES BUT YOU LOVE How is it popular if everyone hates it? Um… I know a lot of people dislike this book, but I love it! You will never stop me from loving it!!! 3. A LOVE TRIANGLE WHERE THE PROTAGONIST ENDED UP WITH THE PERSON YOU DIDN’T WANT THEM TO BE WITH. I’m going through my Read list on Goodreads, and I’m having trouble finding love triangles. I know this one isn’t done yet, but I chose it because I totally hope she ends up with the other guy! 4. A POPULAR GENRE THAT YOU HARDLY READ. Contemporary. I just like my books a little further removed from reality. 5. A POPULAR CHARACTER THAT YOU HATE/DISLIKE. Mal from the Grisha Trilogy. Okay I don’t know if anyone likes Mal but I do not care for him one bit. 6. A POPULAR AUTHOR YOU CAN’T SEEM TO …

Someone deems me worthy for a Liebster Award + June Book Haul!

So, first up, the wonderful Irene at Tea, Book, & Me has nominated me for a Liebster award (bless her cotton socks!) which is lovely. If you don’t know what a Liebster Award is, it’s an award for bloggers with under 200 followers. So the rules for the Liebster award are: Eleven Questions 1. What is that one quote that identifies you as a bookworm? Explain its significance. “It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.” I think all bookworms are, in a way, the sum of the books they’ve read. 2. Do you love the smell of ancient books more so than the fresh new one you just bought? no. actually, the smell of really old books makes my nose sting. 3. Hardcovers, paperbacks, or ebooks all three, but mainly hardcovers and ebooks 4. If you love a book, would you want it to be adapted into a film? Why or why not? absolutely! I love to see how other people imagined …

The Would You Rather Book Tag

So, in case it isn’t plainly obvious from the title, this tag poses a series of questions where you must decide which one you would rather. Now this is not officially a photo tag, but well, that’s the way I roll. Thank you to Aimal at  aimalfarooq for tagging me. Let’s get on with it, shall we? Would you rather only read trilogies or only read standalones?   I will have to go with trilogies here. I love standalones as well, but most of my favourite books are part of a series. So there you go. [also, even when it’s blurred to hell, you can still see that damn sticker mark on More Than This! Curses!] Would you rather only read male or female authors? Female. Although giving up Patrick Ness would be incredibly difficult, but overall the ladies have my heart. Would you rather shop at Barnes and Noble or Amazon? Shipping from both of these places is too expensive, so I don’t shop there a lot. But if I had to pick I would …

Coffee Book Tag!

This is actually my first tag on this blog. I frequently get them on instagram and tumblr (which I am absolutely terrible at doing), but this is my first one here, so thank you, Marianna from Impressionblend for tagging me. This tag is called the Coffee book tag (obviously), and although I am not really a coffee drinker at all (but completely obsessed with tea) I think I can manage. I also might add my own tea related ones to the end.  I will tag Cait at PaperFury and Sarah at Commas and Ampersands. 1. BLACK: NAME A SERIES THAT’S TOUGH TO GET INTO BUT HAS HARDCORE FANS. The Magicians by Lev Grossman. Personally, I love this book, but I know a lot of people hate it. It might have something to do with all the characters kinda being awful people, but I don’t think this series would have worked if they weren’t. Although, I’ve only read the first book… 2. PEPPERMINT MOCHA: NAME A BOOK THAT GETS MORE POPULAR DURING THE WINTER OR A FESTIVE …