All posts tagged: lev grossman

12 Days of Bookmas – What to buy – The Hipster

We all have that hipster friend, whom we love, but buying books for them can be a daunting task.  It’s difficult to gauge the right amount of book-induced existential crisis required by the Hipster. So I’m here with a few recommendations that are sure to please your tartan scarf-clad friend. 1 – The Secret History by Donna Tartt This story of a murder, told backwards is more of a why done it? than a who done it? and is beloved by hipster brethren everywhere. Get it here: The Book Depository, Amazon. 2 – The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides Beautiful, mysterious girls, tragic death, perfect prose? Any Hipster would devour this faster than a salted caramel cronut. Get it here: The Book Depository, Amazon. 3 – The Magicians by Lev Grossman Okay, I know this may seem like a odd choice to get a Hipsiter, but TRUST ME, there is no fantasy novel out there more hipsterific than The Magicians. It’s about a bunch of depressed, borderline alcoholic Hipster magicians struggling with the tedium of everyday …

Lit Lists: Magical Universities/Schools! You want to learn magic? well study hard and you may be accepted to one of these…

So this is a new feature where I make a list of books (with photos of course) based on a particular theme. The themes will range from very broad to very specific depending on where my little heart takes me. It could be a wild ride (probably not though. Reading lists of books is actually a rather sedate activity, now isnt it?). The books may also be either books I’ve read, am currently reading, or books on my TBR. I may also take requests for list themes. We’ll see if you’re very good little daffodils who eat all their vegetables. So, up this week is magical universities. As an almost permanent university student (I should be finishing my PhD this year though and then no more uni unless I decide to do medicine) I have a serious love for all things academic. Hogwarts from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling I figured I should get the obvious out of the way. Hogwarts where student’s study so they can grow up to be the best witches and wizards they …

Unpopular Opinions Tag

I was tagged by Typewriterink 1. A POPULAR BOOK OR SERIES THAT YOU DON’T LIKE Divergent. I hate it. I seriously hate it. 2. A POPULAR BOOK/SERIES EVERYONE HATES BUT YOU LOVE How is it popular if everyone hates it? Um… I know a lot of people dislike this book, but I love it! You will never stop me from loving it!!! 3. A LOVE TRIANGLE WHERE THE PROTAGONIST ENDED UP WITH THE PERSON YOU DIDN’T WANT THEM TO BE WITH. I’m going through my Read list on Goodreads, and I’m having trouble finding love triangles. I know this one isn’t done yet, but I chose it because I totally hope she ends up with the other guy! 4. A POPULAR GENRE THAT YOU HARDLY READ. Contemporary. I just like my books a little further removed from reality. 5. A POPULAR CHARACTER THAT YOU HATE/DISLIKE. Mal from the Grisha Trilogy. Okay I don’t know if anyone likes Mal but I do not care for him one bit. 6. A POPULAR AUTHOR YOU CAN’T SEEM TO …

Coffee Book Tag!

This is actually my first tag on this blog. I frequently get them on instagram and tumblr (which I am absolutely terrible at doing), but this is my first one here, so thank you, Marianna from Impressionblend for tagging me. This tag is called the Coffee book tag (obviously), and although I am not really a coffee drinker at all (but completely obsessed with tea) I think I can manage. I also might add my own tea related ones to the end.  I will tag Cait at PaperFury and Sarah at Commas and Ampersands. 1. BLACK: NAME A SERIES THAT’S TOUGH TO GET INTO BUT HAS HARDCORE FANS. The Magicians by Lev Grossman. Personally, I love this book, but I know a lot of people hate it. It might have something to do with all the characters kinda being awful people, but I don’t think this series would have worked if they weren’t. Although, I’ve only read the first book… 2. PEPPERMINT MOCHA: NAME A BOOK THAT GETS MORE POPULAR DURING THE WINTER OR A FESTIVE …