All posts tagged: alice in wonderland

Lit Lists – My Favourite Classics (Part 1)

I definitely collect beautiful editions of classic novels, but I am finding myself a bit overwhelmed with trying to actually read them all, because I have a lot of them now. But I thought I would share some of my favourites with you all. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Probably my favourite classic of them all is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. This book is actually where my collecting of classics edition started. This book is just the ultimate gothic tale. Mary Shelley was a genius, and a beautiful writer and the combination is fantastic. This book is so deep and rich with symbolism and no two people seem to come out with the same interpretation of it. This edition Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll This is another book that features heavily in my collection, as well as on my body (I have a rather large Alice in Wonderland tattoo on my back), so I obviously love it. It’s vivid and absurd and just so incredibly fun. This edition  Dracula I was surprised when I first read this. …

12 Days of Bookmas – What to buy – The Artist

Hello everyone, and apologies for not posting some recommendations yesterday but I did the biggest experiment I have ever done at work and I was just far too exhausted when I got home to take photos. But today I have a great bunch of recommendations for those people out there who love beautifully illustrated books. 1 – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Illustrated by Anna Bond There are so many beautifully illustrated versions of Alice in Wonderland out there, and who doesn’t like a beautiful copy of Alice in Wonderland? No one. Matching (sort of) the Puffin in Bloom series of children’s books, this edition is full of beautiful and vibrant illustrations with a bit of a folky feel. If this edition isn’t doing it for you but you like the idea of giving a beautiful edition of Alice in Wonderland, you can always check out my Five Beautiful Editions of Alice in Wonderland post. But if you do like this edition, you can get it here: The Book Depository, Amazon. 2 – The Resurrectionist: The Lost …

Five beautiful editions of Alice in Wonderland

There are so many beautiful editions of Alice in Wonderland out there and sadly, I don’t have them all (life is so unfair!). But I thought I would share five of my favourites with you because they are so pretty. The Penguin Clothbound Editon The Penguin Clothbound editions are all beautiful and fairly inexpensive, and the Alice in Wonderland one has flamingos! Who doesn’t love flamingos? Anyone? Didn’t think so. You can find it here. The Barnes and Noble Leatherbound edition (well, one of them. There are about five different versions) I have at least three different B&N leatherbound editions of Alice in Wonderland, but this one is probably my favourite, mainly because Alice is sitting on a throne like a boss. You can find this beauty here. The Camille-Rose Garcia illustrated edition This edition is so gorgeous. It has some of the most beautifully vibrant illustrations. I received this one as a gift, and I was actually surprised by how bright and beautiful it is. I now want her versions of Snow White and Cinderella. …

A long overdue book haul.

Hello, dearest ones. As you all know I have been off thesis-ing. I have also had my father almost dying from septic shock because a damn surgeon doesn’t know how to wash their hands properly, thrown into the mix (he’s totally fine by the way). Anyway, it’s been chaos here in Tina-land. BUT some good things have also happened, I have been offered a job, but it does mean extending out my PhD so I can get a bunch of experiments done before the next grant round. So that means that my thesis writing has become a little less frantic, and hopefully that will mean I will actually be able to read something other than scientific journals. There just really aren’t enough dragons in scientific journals. Anyway… Book haul! First up is the riffle paper version of Alice in Wonderland. It this looks familiar, it’s because it sort of matches the Puffin in Bloom books (it’s not the same size, but similar otherwise). Getting this in the mail was so exciting because I pre-ordered it …

Recom-Monday-Tions – Alice in Wonderland

Hello everyone. Sorry that I have been so absent, but I’m just super busy writing my PhD thesis. This is one of those books that everyone read as a child, but few have read when they are a bit older. If that describes you, you really should give it a re-read. And if you haven’t read it at all, then you really really need to do that right now. Right this second. Off you go. “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” I also thoroughly recommend this edition, which the wonderful Alison from readaroundtherosie sent me for my birthday. It is one of the Classics Reimagined collection. And it is so beautiful! you can find this one here.

Fiction for the Fictional – Alice (in which I make a list of book recs for Alice from Alice in Wonderland)

I’ve decided to do this new thing where I list (everyone loves lists!) what books I would recommend a particular fictional character. This first list will feature the protagonist from my favourite classic, Alice, from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. I hope you enjoy this new little feature of mine (and maybe join in? Yes?). MY BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ALICE: The Wizard of Oz by Frank L. Baum I don’t think it’s particularly had to see why I would recommend this book to Alice, I think she would quite thoroughly relate to Dorothy and enjoy her adventures. The Never Ending Story by Michael Ende Another story of a child being swept away to a magical land. I think Alice would particularly fall in love with Falcor, and probably wish she had his company rather than her rather unhelpful Cheshire Cat. Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie This is another obvious one, I think. Both Peter and Alice’s adventures begin as almost a way to avoid everything adultish (perfectly understandable).  I can …

July Book Haul Parts Two and Three

So I have two bookhauls today (I guess they could be merged into one, but I think they go nicely as separate entities). If you missed Part One you can view it (and all my book-hoarding craziness) here. Firstly, we have my SUPER B&N LEATHERBOUND CLASSICS BOOK HAUL! LOOK AT ALL ITS MAJESTY!!! Beautiful aren’t they? *hugs them all* And now I have Part Three of this month’s book haul. They are probably three of my most anticipated book releases of the year (along with Lair of Dreams by Libba Bray, which I also received in ebook format) I’ve already read an extended preview of The Dinosaur Lords from Netgalley and although it’s a bit … unusual I am enjoying it (how could I not enjoy something with dinosaurs? how?) and I’m a few chapters in to Armada. I can’t wait for The Rest of Us Just Live Here as Patrick Ness is one of my absolute favourite authors. I was so thankful for receiving this final copy from Walker Books after not being able …

May Book Haul

May Book Haul! So I bought…a few…. books during May. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson (White’s Pocket Edition). I received this instead of the White’s Fine Edition which I have ordered a billion fricken times and always received a different edition. It’s getting quite frustrating I can tell you that. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (Road’s Publishing). Another one to add to my Frankenstein collection. This edition is so so so beautiful! I need to buy more of these! Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (Penguin Clothbound Edition). I have wanted this for so long but just never picked it up. Now I have it and I’m pretty darn happy about that. Silvermay by James Moloney. This book has the most beautiful cover. It’s a tragedy that it doesn’t come in hardcover! You can check out my review of this Here. The Crane Wife by Patrick Ness. So I already own this in paperback, and I haven’t read it, but I saw the hardcover for like $3 and decided to buy it. What can …

Curiouser and curiouser

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where – ” said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat. ” – so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added as an explanation. “Oh, you’re sure to do that,” said the Cat, “if you only walk long enough.”

Coffee Book Tag!

This is actually my first tag on this blog. I frequently get them on instagram and tumblr (which I am absolutely terrible at doing), but this is my first one here, so thank you, Marianna from Impressionblend for tagging me. This tag is called the Coffee book tag (obviously), and although I am not really a coffee drinker at all (but completely obsessed with tea) I think I can manage. I also might add my own tea related ones to the end.  I will tag Cait at PaperFury and Sarah at Commas and Ampersands. 1. BLACK: NAME A SERIES THAT’S TOUGH TO GET INTO BUT HAS HARDCORE FANS. The Magicians by Lev Grossman. Personally, I love this book, but I know a lot of people hate it. It might have something to do with all the characters kinda being awful people, but I don’t think this series would have worked if they weren’t. Although, I’ve only read the first book… 2. PEPPERMINT MOCHA: NAME A BOOK THAT GETS MORE POPULAR DURING THE WINTER OR A FESTIVE …