All posts tagged: kindle

Book Review: The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski

This book is the first book in The Witcher series (it has also been made into a video game, which I’ve never played but now really want to). When I got this book, I thought it was a novel but it turned out to be a series of short shorties, which I usually hate, but in this case I absolutely loved. Andrzej Sapkowski is said to be Poland’s master of fantasy, and he’s created a world in this series which is truly epic. What it’s about: It’s a series of short stories about Geralt, a witcher, who is basically a ‘not-quite-human’ monster hunter who roams around the countryside killing monsters for money. Witchers, despite providing a very important service, are not particularly well thought of, as people tend to believe them to be thugs completely devoid of any humanity, but Geralt doesn’t really fit that description. What I thought: I was a bit disappointed when I realised it was short stories rather than an actual novel, but that disappointment faded quickly when I started to …

12 Days of Bookmas – What to buy – The Tech Geek

Hello! Sorry I have missed a few days and I don’t know if I will be able to fit them in, but I’ve just been super busy and had a wee run in with a spider, which took me out for a whole day. Anyway, I have one last set of recommendations (I know I didn’t make it to 12. Oh well) for all the Tech Geeks out there. 1 – Ready Player One by Ernest Cline If you happen to find someone who hasn’t read this book, then this is the perfect gift. This book is SOO good. I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t love it. It’s about a group of nerds on a massive scavenger hunt in an infinite online universe while a group of corporate A-holes try to sabotage them. It’s also full of 80’s pop culture references. Get it here: The Book Depository, Amazon. 2 – An Ereader I absolutely LOVE my eReaders. Yes. EReaders. I have two. I love them both. EReaders are a fantastic gift to get someone for …

Book Review – The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins

Oh my goodness! What a unique read. How am I ever going to review this little oddity? I shall try my hardest! What it’s about: Okay, so there is  library that holds all the secrets of the universe, run by a god. This god, known as Father has twelve apprentices (librarians), who each study a particular catalog (War, Death, Language, Medicine, etc.) and must master it. Their studies aren’t easy, and Father is, for lack of a better term, an absolute sadistic asshole. When he goes missing and the librarians  are locked out of the library, they must all try to solve the mystery of their missing god before his enemies decided to move in and take over. “For all intents and purposes, the power of the Library is infinite. Tonight we’re going to settle who inherits control of reality.” What I thought: Honestly, it’s pretty damn brilliant. It is extremely dark and absolutely one of the oddest books I’ve ever read, but it is just damn good. It kept me up past 2 am several nights this …

Book Review: Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

Well, well, well. Sarah J. Maas is quickly making it onto my list of favourite authors, because Heir of Fire was absolutely awesome. “And then I am going to rattle the stars.” As always, as this is a sequel this review will be quite short, and wont contain any spoilers of the series. So it will basically be me ranting about how amazing it was for a while. This is the third book in the Throne of Glass series, which is about the assassin, Celaena Sardothian and her wild exploits. These books really do keep getting more and more amazing as they go along so I am eagerly anticipating Queen of Shadows (which is sitting right next to me just begging to be opened. *purrs* Soon, my pet. Soon). In this installment of the series, we delve farther into Celaena’s past, and learn just how much she had endured during her rather short life, and grows hugely as a character. If you loved Celaena before, you will love her even more now. I promise. For …

Book Review: The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly by Stephanie Oakes

“It’s a small kind of weapon, this story. I stab someone with and they hurt, every time.” I picked this one up after watching one of Tilly and Her Books videos on Booktube. And I am so glad I did. There really is something special about this book. What it’s about: Minnow Bly was raised in a cult, ruled over by a prophet named Kevin. When Minnow disobeys the prophet, he cuts of her hands as punishment. This act of brutality finally gives her the push she needs to escape and live a life of freedom… but then things don’t exactly go as planned and she ends up serving time in a juvenile prison. “I figure out they’re not making me new hands. They can’t do that, the doctor says like I’m slow, and I turn away to glare at the wall, eyes burning. Growing up, I believed in miracles. I guess I don’t anymore.” What I thought: Firstly, this book is dark. It’s horrific and violent, but also beautiful. I can imagine this book …

July Book Haul – Part One

Um… So I bought quite a few books this month, and this is only Part One. I have more on the way! That is a lot of books, and yes that is a Kindle in there too. That was added to my collection just yesterday. This is absolute proof that I have zero self-control. Most of these are books that I’ve read before but didn’t own. The newbies that are to be read are: The Troop, The Wrath of the Dawn, The Darkest Part of the Forest, The Phantom of the Opera, and Looking for Alaska. I also received The Looking Glass House and Where the Stars Still Shine from Bloomsbury. And I received a hardcover copy of The Other Side of Eve from the Author, Paul Ikin after I bought the Kindle copy and was really enjoying it. I’m currently reading it at the moment and it’s right up my alley. I also got myself a Kindle Voyage as well. After a week of planning with a dear, dear friend in the US who …