All posts tagged: harry potter

12 Days of Bookmas – What to buy – The Witch/Wizard

Hello, and welcome to my second day of the 12 Days of Bookmas where I will be recommending books to buy for yourself, or for others whom you deem worthy of presents. Today I will be giving you ideas of amazing presents for the Witch of Wizard in your life. 1 – The Illustrated Harry Potter This edition of Harry Potter is an absolute must have for anyone who enjoys Harry Potter. It is one of the most gorgeous books I own. I was expecting it to be beautiful when I bought it, but I wasn’t expecting it to be as beautiful as it is. I don’t think anyone could be disappointed to find this in their stocking. You can get it here: The Book Depository, Amazon. 2 – Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass This series is one that’s been around for years, and I only got into it this year. This book would be a fantastic buy for someone who you want to (subtly) turn into a complete bookworm. I’ve already forced this upon …

Lit Lists: Magical Universities/Schools! You want to learn magic? well study hard and you may be accepted to one of these…

So this is a new feature where I make a list of books (with photos of course) based on a particular theme. The themes will range from very broad to very specific depending on where my little heart takes me. It could be a wild ride (probably not though. Reading lists of books is actually a rather sedate activity, now isnt it?). The books may also be either books I’ve read, am currently reading, or books on my TBR. I may also take requests for list themes. We’ll see if you’re very good little daffodils who eat all their vegetables. So, up this week is magical universities. As an almost permanent university student (I should be finishing my PhD this year though and then no more uni unless I decide to do medicine) I have a serious love for all things academic. Hogwarts from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling I figured I should get the obvious out of the way. Hogwarts where student’s study so they can grow up to be the best witches and wizards they …

Lit Lists: Beloved Fictional Animals

So this is my first of this new feature where I make a list of books (with photos. of course) based on a particular theme. The themes will range from very broad to very specific depending on where my little heart takes me. It could be a wild ride (probably not though. reading lists of books is actually a rather sedate activity now isnt it?). The books may also be either books I’ve read, am currently reading, or books on my TBR. I may also take requests for list themes. We’ll see. We all love fictional animals, often more than the people in the story. But they often go the way of Old Yeller (also a fictional animal, thus demonstrating my point). I don’t know for certain why this is, but I’m working with the theory that authors are just plain evil. Although many of the animals on this list do make it through the book/series alive and unmaimed, I’m sorry if this brings up any painful memories for anyone. 1. Manchee from The Chaos …

Friday Photographer Feature – Commas & Ampersands

Happy Friday, everyone! My photographer this week is one of my absolute favourite book bloggers! Her photos are fantastic especially her Geek Chic and Paint the Town Read series. I’m talking about the lovely Sarah, but she also goes by both Commas and Ampersands as well as Neverbythebook. Okay, Question Time! Name: Sarah Location: Brisbane, Australia Favourite book: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Favourite classic: I don’t usually read a lot of classics but I’m reading To Kill a Mockingbird for the first time ever and I think that might be my new favourite. Before that I it was Anne of Green Gables. Favourite book to photograph: My A Song of Ice and Fire collection. They make a pretty little book rainbow when you line them up and they always photograph so well! Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw! Random question : what would be your ultimate book crossover? ie. if you could take the characters from one book/series and send them to the world of another book/series, whom would you choose and where would you send them? …