All posts tagged: penguin books

June Book Haul #1 and the unacceptable practices of booksellers.

So I don’t know how this happened. Where did all these books come from? Is it time for another book buying ban? What can I say, Dymocks was having a sale and I was really close to getting my Booklovers Gold card. So I bought three of the little black penguin books, three popular penguins (which are three for $20 at Dymocks at the moment), one Agatha Christie novel and the hardcover of The Miniaturist. I ordered the Barnes and Noble leatherbound edition of Peter Rabbit ages ago and I was starting to wonder if it was going to come. I have the new edition of The Jungle Book in the Puffin Children’s Classics set. I also received Thief’s Magic by Trudi Canavan from Hachette Australia (I am part of the upcoming blog tour, which includes a giveaway – so stay tuned) and I’m really excited to get into this one. And finally, and disappointingly I received the beautiful Summer and Bird, which unfortunately has quite a large amount of sticker damage. That brings me to a …

In which you discover how neurotic I am about books…

I’m obsessed with collecting pretty collections of books, mostly classics, I have quite a beautiful and vast collection. But for some reason I have neglected a fairly ubiquitous and worthy collection, and I don’t know why. Nearly ever booklover has at least one of the Penguin Clothbound Classics. They are beautiful and I just don’t know why I haven’t been collecting these. I only have five of them, which for me is strange. I collect series of books and I get a little obsessed about it, but this series has not driven me crazy like some of the others. Trying to get the last two books in a certain series over the last few days had completely consumed me after my fourth attempt (every bookseller cancelled my order saying the books weren’t in stock) to purchase them. I was acting like a crazy person. I was seriously distressed about not being able to have that full set. I actually get quite upset about it if I had the opportunity to buy the book at one …