All posts tagged: acotar

Books they need to make colouring books for.

Yeah. I love colouring books. I am not someone who can just sit an watch TV, I need to be doing something at the same time, and colouring books are the perfect amount of doing something without being so distracting that your not paying attention to the show you’re watching. They are also great for when you’re listening to audiobooks. At the moment, I’m loving the ACOTAR colouring book (although HOW DARE IT not include a picture of the foxes from winter that wear vests! Rude!), I also love the Throne of Glass books, and I’ve recently ordered the lunar chronicles one. And all that got me thinking about books that I just need colouring books for. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern This book is like reading a dream. There is very little plot at all, because it’s just not needed. The visuals of this book are what it is all about, and while I love the images of this in my head from reading it, I would really, really love to see their …

My favourite books of 2016!

Well, 2016 is finally gone. Thank goodness! What a terrible, terrible year. 2016 was probably the worst reading year I have ever had (and the worst year in general?), I had a pretty terrible time last year, and I just couldn’t focus on reading because too much other crap was going on and distracting me with it’s awfulness. But I’ve decided that 2017 will be better (it better be or I WILL become an evil supervillain scientist and destroy the world with a super-mega death ray or something). Anyway… I decided to just do five of my favourite books of the year, and I doubt any of them will be a surprise…. but they are all books released in 2016. Yay. These are in no particular order, except for number 1 which was my favourite, because these books were all phenomenal. 1 – Morning Star by Pierce Brown (review) 2 – Nevernight by Jay Kristoff (review) 3 – A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas (review) 4 – Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas …

Books and Tea – ACOTAR!

Hello everyone, I’m sorry I’ve been a bit absent, but my thesis submission is looming (Due on the 1st of September, but I’m off to the International Congress of Immunology conference next week -terrible timing). During the plane rides I hope to finish Nevernight (which, so far, is insanely awesome), and I’ll be posting that while I’m away (wifi permitting), so stay tuned for that! I also wanted to take far more photos for today, but my thesis is taking up most of my time (urgh!), and I have a clinical trial meeting in about an hour, so I just snapped a few photos (forgive me?). But now, to some tea pairing! Feyre Archeron  – Blooming Tea This beautiful jasmine tea is a work of art, which continues to awe everyone who encounters it. This tea starts off as a simple ball of tea, but once it’s steeped it unfurls to reveal a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The fact that the beautiful florals manage to hold themselves together is pretty impressive.(Unfortunately, I seem to have run …

Coffee Book Tag!

This is actually my first tag on this blog. I frequently get them on instagram and tumblr (which I am absolutely terrible at doing), but this is my first one here, so thank you, Marianna from Impressionblend for tagging me. This tag is called the Coffee book tag (obviously), and although I am not really a coffee drinker at all (but completely obsessed with tea) I think I can manage. I also might add my own tea related ones to the end.  I will tag Cait at PaperFury and Sarah at Commas and Ampersands. 1. BLACK: NAME A SERIES THAT’S TOUGH TO GET INTO BUT HAS HARDCORE FANS. The Magicians by Lev Grossman. Personally, I love this book, but I know a lot of people hate it. It might have something to do with all the characters kinda being awful people, but I don’t think this series would have worked if they weren’t. Although, I’ve only read the first book… 2. PEPPERMINT MOCHA: NAME A BOOK THAT GETS MORE POPULAR DURING THE WINTER OR A FESTIVE …

Book Review: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

“I threw myself into that fire, threw myself into it, into him, and let myself burn.” Now, I’m probably the only person in the world who read this book without comparing it to Throne of Glass, because I’m the only person in the world who hasn’t read the Throne of Glass series. I’ve read the first book, but I was a bit underwhelmed. But A Court of Thorns and Roses was wonderful! What’s it about: First and foremost this is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Feyre (Fay-ruh apparently. Why authors insist on using non-straightforward names is beyond me!) lives in a poor village near The Wall, the magical barrier that divides the human and faerie worlds. One day while she’s out hunting and trying not to die, and have her whole family starve to death in the process, she kills a wolf. Who can blame her? But it turns out the wolf is a faerie and then a giant beast comes to claim her life in payment for killing his buddy, and whisks …