All posts tagged: horror

Halloween Reads!

Happy Halloween! So I am a lover of horror fiction! (I even helped write a horror novel which you can find here – but warning it’s super bloody – and it’s sequel, which I co-authored and had a bigger part in writing here ). Anyway… shameless self-promotion over, here are my top Halloween reads! The literary horror – The Lesser Dead by Christopher Buehlman Yeah… I know, I talk about this book a lot, but that’s because it’s definitely one of my absolute favourites! A vampire who was turned as a 14 year old boy, tries to stop a group of crazy vampire children from ruining everyone’s fun. A vampire tale with a very Fitzgerald/Salinger-esque vibe; what more could you want? Review The spooky-but-not-scary horror – The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman This tale about the undead residences of a graveyard raising a toddler after his family is killed is super fun! And you know Neil Gaiman is always worth your time! The actually-really-super-creepy horror book – Birdbox by Josh Malerman Another one I talk about ALL THE …

Book Review: The Hallowed Ones by Laura Bickle

I heard about this book ages a go, and heard it was great, but with no ebook available, and it generally impossible to find anywhere, it did take me some time to get around to reading it. Seriously, make ebooks available people. You will make more money, and I wouldn’t have to die waiting for the next book to arrive. Anyway… What it’s about: A girl in an Amish community takes in an outsider during a vampire apocalypse against the advice of her elders. What I thought: Really freaking enjoyed it. The main character, Katie, is an Amish girl who wants nothing more than to go on her Rumspringa and see the outside world. Katie is generally considered a bit too headstrong for the Amish, but is essentially a very good person at heart. She’s sensible, she cares deeply about the welfare of others, and is the sort of person who will always do what she thinks is right, even if others disagree, and the consequences may be fairly severe. She’s also sensible and for …

Book Review: The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude

I was going to wait until my hardcover of this arrived for pretty photography before posting this review, but I’ve become impatient and it seems it’s going to take a while to come as it’s on backorder. What it’s about: The residents of a commune in the Ozarks are terrorized by something coming from the forest at night to mutilate both animals and people. What I thought: First of all, I have to say that this book has a BEAUTIFUL cover, which is what initially drew me to it. I thought it would be a creepy mystery, but it actually had more of a horror vibe to it, and I do love my horror, so that was a bonus. I read this book in less than 24 hours. Once I started I was pretty hooked. Although I really enjoyed this book, it was, in my opinion missing something in that, while it was very readable, it didn’t really make me feel anything. I didn’t really care for any of the characters, as they were all pretty …

12 Days of Bookmas -What to buy – The creature of the Night

So, Bookmas is a thing I started last year, where I give a bunch of book recommendations for Christmas. For 12 days I will be giving book recommendations, with a different theme each day. Starting with the least Christmas-esque one: What to buy the Creature of the Night in your life (i.e. what to buy horror fans). 1 – The Road’s Classics Edition of Dracula by Bram Stoker This edition of Dracula is BEAUTIFUL. And everyone should read Dracula at least once in their life, and who wouldn’t be over the moon to receive this edition in their stocking? Get it here: The Book Depository, Amazon. 2 – NOS4R2 by Joe Hill This book deserves to be on this list for two reasons: 1) because it’s awesome, and 2) because it’s about a kind of immortal, Christmas-obsessed serial killer. Pick this one up this Christmas for your loved ones here: The Book Depository, Amazon. 3 – The Lesser Dead by Christopher Buehlman Another one I have raved about. I read this book about 6 months …

Happy Halloween and Recommendation of The Woman in Black by Susan Hill

Happy Halloween, to those of you lucky enough to live in countries that celebrate Halloween, and condolences to those who don’t (like myself). It’s not Monday, but I’m here with a recommendation all the same. So I decided to take a brief break from dying (I’m being a tad overdramatic but I have had a flu-like thing for like 7 weeks now and it’s getting a bit ridiculous) and writing about cancer and the immune system to mention one of my favourite horror classics, The Woman in Black, by Susan Hill. Firstly, I love female horror writers, and I believe Susan Hill is known as one of the best horror writers around. This is the only one of her books I’ve read but I really enjoyed it and it’s pretty creepy. “For I see that then I was still all in a state of innocence, but that innocence, once lost, is lost forever.” The Woman in Black is the story of a young lawyer sent to sort out the estate of a woman after she …

Book Review: Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix

So just a quick review for this one. This book was released last halloween I believe, but I really enjoyed it, and thought it deserved a mention again this year. What’s it about: A haunted Orsk store (fictional equivalent of Ikea). When strange things start happening at their work, they decide to spend the night…. it does not end well. What I thought: I really enjoyed this book! There is something about it that gives it a zombieland (but with ghosts instead of zombies) vibe. It’s a really fun horror read. Having had my first trip to Ikea only recently, and having to miss my lunch plans because I was “trapped” in the store and couldn’t get out, I felt that this book perfectly captured that trapped feeling. I loved the store manager character, Basil. If Moss from The IT Crowd managed an Ikea, I think he would a a bit like Basil. The best thing about this book is that it doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s a really fun book. And it’s quite …