beautiful series, featured
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Five beautiful editions of Alice in Wonderland

There are so many beautiful editions of Alice in Wonderland out there and sadly, I don’t have them all (life is so unfair!). But I thought I would share five of my favourites with you because they are so pretty.

The Penguin Clothbound Editon

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The Penguin Clothbound editions are all beautiful and fairly inexpensive, and the Alice in Wonderland one has flamingos! Who doesn’t love flamingos? Anyone? Didn’t think so. You can find it here.

The Barnes and Noble Leatherbound edition (well, one of them. There are about five different versions)

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I have at least three different B&N leatherbound editions of Alice in Wonderland, but this one is probably my favourite, mainly because Alice is sitting on a throne like a boss. You can find this beauty here.

The Camille-Rose Garcia illustrated edition

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This edition is so gorgeous. It has some of the most beautifully vibrant illustrations. I received this one as a gift, and I was actually surprised by how bright and beautiful it is. I now want her versions of Snow White and Cinderella. But you can get this version here. Look at me being all organised with links and things.

The Classics Reimagined edition

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These are some of my new favourite editions. I have both this one and The Wizard of Oz (both of which were gifts from awesome people). I love these so much. This version has a bit of a mix of paint and collage and it’s kind of creepy and fantastic! You can get it here.

The Riffle Paper co/Puffin in Bloom-ish edition

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Now I’m not sure if this is actually one of the Puffin in Bloom editions, but it is done by the same artist (Riffle Paper Co), and while it doesn’t match the others in size, it is just so lovely. This edition has full page illustrations and all round cuteness. You can find it here.

So those are my favourites, and here are some more photos, including some of the insides.

What are your favourite editions of Alice in Wonderland?


  1. Cait @ Paper Fury says

    Omg I am filled with Wonderland awe right now. xD I can’t decide if my favourite is the green one or the Camille-Rose one. BECAUSE BOTH. I highly approve of this collection.


  2. Oooh, these are all so pretty! I really just love all of the B&N leather editions of the classics xD I have this copy of Alice from 1967, or something, and it’s got all the original illustrations and is just generally SO COOL.


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  5. Vendela says

    does the purple one with the thorne contain original artworks? and are they black and white or colored ? love alice!!


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