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Books and Tea (where I match Throne of Glass ladies to types of tea!)

I am an obsessive tea drinker, with a tea obsession that has on more than one occasion been described as a little bit excessive. And because tea goes so well with reading, I decided to match up the ladies from the Throne of Glass series with some teas that I think are perfect for them.

Throne of Glass Tea pairings

Caelena Sardothien from The Throne of Glass – Marron Chocolat

Marron Chocolat is, to me, the perfect tea for Caelena. The strong full-bodied black base flavoured with bittersweet chocolate and sweetened with candied chestnuts suits both her strength and insatiable sweet tooth. Caelena would sip this while curled up by the fire with a piece of chocolate cake.

Flavour profile: sweet, creamy, nutty


Manon Blackbeak – Snow Dragon Jasmine

Probably my favourite green tea, this jasmine tea is incredibly fragrant and has an otherworldly depth and a sense of mystery. It conjures up feelings of solitude and jasmine flowers in winter. And also dragons.

Flavour profile: Floral, fresh, vegetal


Nehemia Ytger – Tie Guan Yin (Iron Goddess)

Earthy and grounded, yet extremely fresh and calming, this oolong tea is the perfect embodiment of Nehemia. This tea has a regal, yet subtle quality that perfectly parallels Nehemia’s grace and wisdom.

Flavor profile: Velvety, Floral, nutty


Asterin – Autumn by T2

Green tea flavoured with orange peel, cinnamon, and meringue, this tea has the perfect mix of green tea for calm, spices for warmth, as well as sweetness, and is the perfect embodiment of Asterin.

Flavour profile: Fresh, spicy, sweet


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Lysandra – Jasmine Dragon Phoenix Pearls (Mo Li Hua Long Zhu)

The ultimate in sophistication, these pearls of jasmine tea would be a must for Lysandra. It’s delicate, beautiful, and dignified, and a tea that Lysandra would love to be seen drinking.

Flavour profile: Fresh, sweet, spice


Nesryn Faliq – Houjicha 

This robust green tea from Japan is roasted over charcoal to give it a woodsy scent with green undertones. It’s strong and spicy, but also has a down-to-earth and homey fell to it.

Flavour profile: Earthy, nutty, vegetal


Kaltain Rompier – Fiery Temptress by The Rabbit Hole

Spicy and completely unsubtle, this tea, like Kaltain, will knock your socks off. Kaltain would relish the bold qualities of this tea. Described by The Rabbit Hole as “fiesty, warming, fearless” this tea should definitely be brewed with Kaltain in mind.

Flavour profile: Spicy, smooth, sweet 

Elide Lochan – Sakuranbo by Lupicia

Black tea flavoured with Japanese cherries, rosemary, and pink peppercorns, this tea, being simple on the surface, yet filled with hidden depths, this tea is perfect for Elide.

Flavour profile: Sweet, herbaceous, tart


Sorcha – Sencha

Calming and fresh, with a very grassy scent, this tea is simple yet fragrant and would be perfect for a healer to drink while making salves and tonics.

Flavour profile: Fresh, grassy, mineral


Fleetfoot – Strawberries and Cream 

This happy, warm bundle of love and furriness needs a bright happy tea (although not technically tea) to accompany her, and this Strawberries and Cream tisane is perfect. It’s sweet and creamy and just very comforting and summery.

Flavour profile: Fruity, Creamy, Sweet

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A note about the tea suppliers I’ve included. These teas are from Australian retailers (as that’s where I get my tea from), but some are general teas you can get anywhere, and I’m sure you could find analogues from many other tea places. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend all the teas from these places (T2 has some particularly awful teas, but these ones I do like). 

If you’re new to brewing tea: Never brew green tea at boiling temperature. It makes it very bitter and gross. Brew it at 80 degrees celsius (~180F). Oolong teas are best brewed between 90 and 95 degrees celsius (~195-200F). And although I haven’t mentioned any here, white teas (although often suggested to be brewed at 80 degrees, are actually better at about 90 degrees. Don’t believe me? Try it yourself). 

And don’t add milk. It’s gross and it ruins it. It’s just bad. Don’t do it. Promise? Okay good. 

Let me know if you guys liked this, because I do have an ACOTAR one lined up as well. And I would be happy to pair more books/characters with tea.

If you have any questions about tea. Don’t be afraid to ask.



  1. Trisha Jenn Loehr says

    This is lovely and so fun. Your descriptions are fantastic! Thank you for writing this! I’d love to read a ACOTAR version. 🙂


  2. This was so nice! I’m trying to get more into tea, and I’m excited to try some of these out! It makes it a lot more fun to try out new tea flavors when they’re paired with characters from one of your favorite series. 🙂


    • tea is really amazing. Especially good quality tea. So many people only know tea from teabags, which is really just the leaves that weren’t good enough for actual tea and the sweepings of tea dust off the floor of the tea production rooms. Real tea is really amazing, and definitely worth getting into. I’m planning to do lots more Tea/Books/Characters pairings!


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