colouring books, Uncategorized
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Throne of Glass Colouring Book

Thank you to Bloomsbury Australia for sending me this awesome colouring book!

So, I’m definitely late to the adult colouring book thing, but when this arrived in the mail, I literally sat there for hours colouring in while watching stuff on Youtube. I’m one of those people who can’t just sit and watch something, I always need to be doing something at the same time (but it usually means I get distracted from what I’m watching), so this was perfect.Ā Although, it turns out I’m pretty terrible at colouring (staying inside the lines is HARD!).





I really think more book series need colouring books, because I love being able to see other people’s interpretations of what characters and settings look like. There are pictures of lots of different characters in the book, and I was obviously super excited to see some of Manon and Abraxos in there.

So, do you guys like colouring books? What other books would you love to see colouring books of?

Find it at Amazon or The Book Depository

Publisher: Bloomsbury Australia .Ā RRP (AUD): $19.99 .Ā Release date: 06.09.16



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