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Recom-Monday-Tions – The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

I have spent the previous three days writing my introduction for my PhD thesis on cancer immunotherapy, and it has inspired me to recommend this book. It also is probably worth mentioning that due to the fact that I am currently writing my PhD thesis, that I will be on semi-hiatus for the next few months. I will still try to post my regular features, including my Recom-Monday-Tions and my Friday Photographer Feature, but I may be too distracted at times to remember to post, or organise photographers to feature. I also expect my reading (well reading that is not scientific journal articles) to reduce dramatically, so there will also be fewer revies. Sorry about this, but it is unavoidable.

Now, back to the matter at hand.

“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.”

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is a contemporary romance about two teen cancer sufferers. It is a beautiful story about living with a terminal disease and trying to live your life in spite of it. It is also a story about how this devastating disease effects so many people so permanently, even in those who survive the disease. There is so often long-lasting effects that survivors need to learn to adjust to. It also explores the guilt cancer patients often feel for their disease and its effect on others.

It features a cast of incredibly lovable characters and the romance is also completely adorable.

“I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.”

Be warned, as expected this book is absolutely soul-crushing, but I think it is absolutely worth all the tears.

I also found it to be impressively researched for a novel. I was impressed by the accuracy of a lot of the information on cancer.

If you have read other John Green books but haven’t picked up this one, I would recommend it. I have only read one other John Green novel, Paper Towns, and I prefer The Fault in Our Stars immensely. The movie is also fantastic.

You can find it here: Goodreads. Amazon. The Book Depository. Kobo.


  1. Cait @ Paper Fury says

    Awk, I am SO glad you love this book!! It’s one of my favourites ever and GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR THESIS.


  2. ‘Be warned, as expected this book is absolutely soul-crushing, but I think it is absolutely worth all the tears.’ This should be on the back of the book haha! ALSO GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR THESIS! *Obama voice* YOU CAN DO IT


  3. Pingback: September Wrap Up + Book Haul | Read the Bloody Book

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